Student Supports & Student Intervention Team
The staff at Coe Elementary strive to meet the needs of every student. We do this through a Multi-Tiered Systems of Supports (MTSS) approach. MTSS aims to ensure every student benefits from a nurturing environment and equitable access to supports that are culturally and linguistically responsive, universally designed, and differentiated to match their needs.
When a teacher or parent has a concern regarding academics, social skills, behavior, motor development, and / or speech and language skills, a family-teacher conference is the first step to discuss concerns, supports and interventions. In some cases, multiple family conferences may be held to monitor and discuss a student’s progress.
If your child is not responding to classroom and school-based interventions or if there is another factor impacting your child’s access to learning, you or your child’s teacher may initiate a Student Intervention Team (SIT) Referral. The referral process involves both a family and teacher input form. The school psychologist will follow up with you regarding next steps and scheduling.
The SIT team meets weekly and provides an opportunity for a team of family and school personnel to come together to discuss an individual student’s strengths, progress, and challenges. This includes a review of a student’s academic data and any out of school data or records shared. Members of the SIT may include: parent or other family member, caretaker or provider, school psychologist, classroom teacher, occupational therapist, speech-language therapist, school nurse, reading specialist, principal and/or special education teacher. The SIT team also considers formal requests for Special Education Services and Student 504 Accommodations.
For questions about the SIT process, contact your child’s teacher or School Psychologist, Hema Thomas at
For more information about Seattle Public Schools Special Education Services, 504 Student Accommodations, Multilingual Services, or Reading & Math Intervention refer to the Student Support Services section of our website or visit the Seattle Public Schools Special Education website.