Supply Lists 2024-25

Supply Lists 2024-25
Please select the grade level below to see the supply list.
Your child’s teacher will send a link to an Amazon wish list for classroom supplies. Thank you for purchasing what you can from the list. Please have items shipped directly to Coe. Links for the wish lists will be emailed after class placements are announced.
Each child will also need:
- 1 zippered backpack labeled with your child’s name. Please note these specific guidelines for the backpack:
- It must be full-sized (16-18) inches, which may look too big, but is needed to accommodate the class folder, library books, lunch box, etc.
- The backpack should not have added accessories, wheels, or hard shells.
- A small water bottle (not glass) labeled with your child’s name. The water bottle needs to fit in the side pocket of the backpack.
- If you plan on sending lunch to school with your child, 1 lunch box with a handle (any beverages or bento boxes need to be packed inside an outer case with a handle).
If the purchase of any of these supplies presents a financial hardship for your family, please let us know. We have resources to help.
Thank you! We are looking forward to a great year in kindergarten!
The Coe Kindergarten Team
Welcome to First Grade!
Each classroom will have an individual Amazon wish list for shared classroom supplies. We thank you for purchasing what you can from the wish list. Items should be shipped directly to the address provided on the list. Wish list links will be emailed to your email on file after class placements are announced.
Please provide these personal items. Put your child’s name on these items:
1 backpack
1 reusable water bottle (not glass)
In addition to our wish list, we will be requesting a donation for consumable supplies in September. Thank you!
Welcome to second grade!
Each classroom will have an individual Amazon wish list for shared classroom supplies. We thank you for purchasing what you can from the wish list. Items should be shipped directly to the school. Amazon wish list links will be emailed after class placements are announced.
Please provide these personal items. Put your child’s name on these items:
- Backpack (large enough to hold a regular size folder
- Reusable water bottle (not glass)
- Headphones (not wireless)
Welcome incoming third grade families! Please find below a list of items to bring to school on the first day.
Each classroom will have an individual Amazon wish list for classroom supplies. Please purchase what you can from the list. Items should be shipped directly to the school.
Every student will receive a folder to carry their papers back and forth each day and most students like to use a backpack. We have extra supplies in our classrooms if needed.
Items for student’s desk (please label- they will be returned at the end of the year):
- A small pencil box that holds one box of colored pencils and 2-3 sharpened pencils
- Set of watercolors such as Prang 16 colors
- 1 pair of headphones (no Bluetooth)
Items for the class to share – see your teacher’s Amazon wish list.
Materials Fee: In September we will collect a materials fee of $20 for Scholastic News and art projects. This can be paid via School Pay in September. If you need a scholarship, please let your child’s teacher know.
Items to Be Kept in Student Desks
- 4 wide-ruled composition notebooks
- 4 two-pocket folders (1 blue, 1 red, 1 green, 1yellow)
Items to Turn in to the Classroom Teacher for Use Throughout Year
- 3×3 or 1.5×2 inch Post-it Notes
- 1 or 2 boxes of tissues
- One container of wipes
- One package of wide-ruled lined paper
- 2 boxes Ticonderoga pencils
- Fine point sharpies
- 2 glue sticks
- One package of dry erase markers
- 2 Pink Pearl erasers
1 composition notebook
2 dozen Ticonderoga pencils
One set of colored pencils
One box of tissues
1 Staedtler hand-held pencil sharpener
2 Pink Pearl erasers
1 container of Clorox wipes
2-4 glue sticks
1 pencil box or pouch (optional)
1 box of tissues